Why is diode useful?

The diode is useful because of its directional behavior, which allows forward flow of current and blocking in the opposite direction.The unidirectional property of this diode is useful for converting…

What is Zener Diode? What are the uses?

What is Zener Diode. Zener diode is a special type of diode whose reverse bias voltage discharge is an interesting characteristic. a steeply penetrating voltage with a current thereby making…

Why do we use diodes in series?

we use diodes in series The basic purpose of diode is limiting direction of current. As we all know the current flow will be from + ve terminal to the…

Why diode is called a valve?

diode is called a valve The diode passes the current in one direction (anode to the cathode), and blocks the current in the opposite direction (cathode to anode). so it…

Relationship of Voltage, Current, and Resistance

Relationship of Voltage, Current, and Resistance All circuits are a combination of three electrical properties: voltage, current and Resistance. Voltage is defined as the force that causes free electrons to…

Effects of Current Flow

The current flow has four effects that are used in different ways: magnetism, heat, chemistry Action and physical shock. Magnetism When current flows in a conductor, it creates a magnetic…

How to decrease the consumption of diesel generator ?

Reducing the consumption of a diesel generator involves a combination of operational practices, maintenance measures, and the incorporation of energy-efficient technologies. Here’s a detailed guide on how to decrease the…

How do photodiode arrays work?

Working of photodiode How does photodiode work : A photodiode array (PDA) is a linear range of discrete photodiodes on an integrated circuit (IC). For spectroscopy it is placed at…