Relationship of Voltage, Current, and Resistance

Relationship of Voltage, Current, and Resistance

All circuits are a combination of three electrical properties: voltage, current and Resistance. Voltage is defined as the force that causes free electrons to move in a Conductor. Current can be defined as a uniform motion of electrons in a given range direction and resistance simply put is the contradiction to the current flow. No matter what the properties will influence each other directly and behave accordingly predictable principles.

Voltage to Current

The voltage has a big influence on the current. With increasing voltage the current increases. Think about voltage As the water pressure, the higher the water pressure, the more water comes out and the it will continue to jump. Electricity works the same way. Higher voltage pushes more electricity. The higher the voltage, the further the current jumps. Since it is easy to change the voltage, it is is the most common means of controlling the flow of current.

Resistance to Voltage

If you increase the resistance, the voltage drops. This is hard to do because add Resistors the circuit has to be physically changed.

Resistance to Current

Everything that consumes electrical energy offers resistance. Resistance is resistance to the current flow. Imagine resistance as a blockage in the aqueduct. With increasing resistance current flows Drops. There are four major factors that influence resistance:

  • Temperature: The resistance increases with increasing heat. It’s easier in a cool conductor so that the electrons flow in one direction. When the conductor heats up, the Electrons are moving more and this causes increased resistance. The cooler a Head of less resistance. The hotter the conductor, the more resistance.
  • Length: The longer the conductor, the more resistance he will have. The shorter The more conductor the less resistance it will have.
  • Material: As already mentioned, the nature of the material affects its ability to behave Electricity. The relative resistance of conductors of equal length and cross section Area are given in the following list of silver as the standard of 1 and the remaining metals in ascending order of resistance.
  • Cross-sectional area: Just as a larger water pipe can carry more water, so too can a larger water pipe Conductor can carry more electricity. The larger the conductor, the lower the resistance to the current flow. The smaller the conductor, the more resistant the current flow.

Although all conductors are designed to have low resistance, they still have some Resistance depending on the four factors mentioned above.

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