What does Vcc Vdd and Vee stand for in transistor ?

In the context of transistors, Vcc, Vdd, and Vee are voltage supply or power supply terminals that are associated with the different types of transistors—specifically, bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs). These symbols are used to denote the supply voltages in electronic circuits. Let’s explore what each term represents:

1. Vcc (Collector Voltage):

  • Usage in BJT (NPN or PNP):
    • Vcc is commonly associated with bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), both NPN (Negative-Positive-Negative) and PNP (Positive-Negative-Positive) types. For NPN transistors, Vcc is the positive voltage supplied to the collector terminal. For PNP transistors, Vcc is the negative voltage supplied to the collector terminal.
  • Function:
    • Vcc provides the potential difference between the collector and the emitter terminals in a BJT. It is the voltage that powers the collector current and determines the transistor’s ability to amplify signals.

2. Vdd (Drain Voltage):

  • Usage in MOSFET (NMOS or PMOS):
    • Vdd is commonly associated with metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs), both NMOS (N-channel MOS) and PMOS (P-channel MOS) types. For NMOS transistors, Vdd is the positive voltage supplied to the drain terminal. For PMOS transistors, Vdd is the negative voltage supplied to the drain terminal.
  • Function:
    • Vdd is the voltage that powers the drain current in a MOSFET. It represents the potential difference between the drain and source terminals and plays a crucial role in the transistor’s operation as an amplifier or switch.

3. Vee (Emitter Voltage):

  • Usage in BJT (NPN or PNP):
    • Vee is commonly associated with bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), both NPN and PNP types. For NPN transistors, Vee is the negative voltage supplied to the emitter terminal. For PNP transistors, Vee is the positive voltage supplied to the emitter terminal.
  • Function:
    • Vee provides the potential difference between the emitter and the collector terminals in a BJT. It is essential for establishing the biasing conditions and determining the transistor’s operating region.


  • In summary, Vcc, Vdd, and Vee are labels used to represent the voltage supply terminals in electronic circuits with transistors.
  • Vcc is associated with the collector terminal of bipolar junction transistors (BJTs).
  • Vdd is associated with the drain terminal of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs).
  • Vee is associated with the emitter terminal of bipolar junction transistors (BJTs).

These voltage supply labels help in understanding and designing electronic circuits by providing a standardized notation for the power supply connections of transistors. The actual voltage values for Vcc, Vdd, and Vee depend on the specific circuit requirements and design considerations. The choice of positive or negative supply voltages is determined by the transistor type (NPN or PNP for BJTs, NMOS or PMOS for MOSFETs) and the desired circuit configuration.

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