A MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) is typically considered a unidirectional device. This means that it conducts current primarily in one direction between its drain and source terminals, depending on the polarity of the applied voltage and the mode of operation (enhancement or depletion). In its standard operating mode, the MOSFET conducts current from drain to source when a positive voltage is applied to the gate relative to the source.
In the absence of a gate voltage or with a negative gate-source voltage, the MOSFET blocks current flow in both directions effectively.
Unidirectional devices conduct current predominantly in one direction only, depending on the polarity of the applied voltage. For example, diodes are classic examples of unidirectional devices as they allow current to flow in one direction (forward biased) while blocking it in the opposite direction (reverse biased).
They are essential in rectification circuits where AC needs to be converted to DC.
Transistors, including MOSFETs and BJTs (Bipolar Junction Transistors), can be considered bidirectional in certain configurations or modes of operation.
A transistor can conduct current in both directions depending on its biasing and configuration.
However, in practical terms, transistors are often used in circuits where current flow is primarily controlled in one direction to achieve amplification or switching functions effectively.
MOSFETs typically conduct current in only one direction, from drain to source when properly biased.
They are designed for efficient switching and amplification of signals in electronic circuits, and their unidirectional behavior is crucial for their reliable operation in various applications.
A semiconductor device that is bidirectional by design is the thyristor, particularly the TRIAC (Triode for Alternating Current). TRIACs are semiconductor devices that can conduct current in both directions when triggered by a gate signal.
They are widely used in AC power control applications such as light dimmers and motor speed controllers, where bidirectional current flow control is required to regulate AC power effectively.