Do alkynes have cis trans isomers?

In organic chemistry, an alkyne is an unsaturated hydrocarbon containing at least one carbon-carbon double bond. Alchemy and olefin are often used interchangeably (see the nomenclature section below). The acyclic alkenes, with a single double bond and no other functional groups, known as mono-ene, form a homologous series of hydrocarbons of the general formula CnH2n.

The alkenes have two hydrogen atoms smaller than the corresponding alkane (with the same number of carbon atoms). The simplest alkyne, ethylene (C2H4), ethene of the Union of Pure and Applied Chemical Compounds (IUPAC), is the organic compound produced at the largest industrial scale. Aromatic compounds are often drawn as cyclic alkenes, but their structure and properties are different and are not considered to be alkenes.

In isomerization of chemistry (also isomerization) is the process by which one molecule is transformed into another molecule that has exactly the same atoms, but the atoms have a different arrangement, e.g. ABC → BAC (these related molecules are known as isomers.) In some molecules and under certain conditions the isomerization takes place spontaneously. Many isomers are equal or approximately equal in the binding energy, and thus exist in approximately equal amounts, provided that they can convert somewhat freely , ie the energy barrier between the two isomers is not too high. When isomerisation takes place intramolecularly, it is considered a rearrangement reaction.

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