Why is a linear power supply called linear ?

A linear power supply is named as such because of the linear relationship between the input voltage, output voltage, and current. In a linear power supply, the input AC voltage…

How does a direct current transformer work ?

A direct current (DC) transformer is a bit of a misnomer because traditional transformers cannot directly handle DC. Transformers rely on changing magnetic fields to induce voltage in the secondary…

How does a spark plug produce current ?

A spark plug produces current through a process involving an electrical discharge that jumps across a gap between two electrodes inside the combustion chamber of an engine. When the ignition…

What is the SI unit of entropy ?

The SI unit of entropy is joules per kelvin (J/K). Entropy is a thermodynamic quantity that measures the amount of disorder or randomness in a system. In SI units, entropy…

What is a crystal?

A crystal is a solid material whose atoms or molecules are arranged in a highly ordered repeating pattern, extending in three dimensions. This atomic arrangement results in a regular, geometrically…

How are cathode rays produced ?

Cathode rays are produced through a process involving the application of high voltage to electrodes in a vacuum tube. Specifically, a cathode ray tube (CRT) begins the production of cathode…