Why FET is preferred over transistor?

FETs (Field-Effect Transistors) are often preferred over BJTs (Bipolar Junction Transistors) in certain applications due to several key advantages. One primary reason is that FETs have a higher input impedance compared to BJTs. This means they draw less current from the driving circuit, resulting in reduced power consumption and heat dissipation. In applications where minimizing power loss and maximizing efficiency are critical, such as in low-power electronics and battery-operated devices, FETs are preferred for their energy efficiency.

Using a FET instead of a BJT offers advantages particularly in high-frequency applications and digital circuits. FETs can switch on and off faster than BJTs due to their voltage-controlled operation and absence of minority carrier storage time. This characteristic makes FETs suitable for high-speed switching applications in digital circuits, where rapid response times and precise control over switching are required.

FETs are generally considered better than BJTs in terms of thermal stability and reliability. They are less susceptible to thermal runaway compared to BJTs, which can occur due to excessive current flow and heat generation. This makes FETs more robust and reliable in circuits where temperature variations or high-power dissipation are concerns.

The advantages of FETs include their high input impedance, which reduces loading effects on signal sources and enables efficient signal amplification and processing. FETs also exhibit low noise characteristics, making them suitable for applications requiring accurate signal amplification without introducing unwanted electrical interference.

In applications such as chopper circuits, where precise control over switching is crucial for converting DC to AC or varying voltage levels, FETs are often preferred over BJTs. FETs can switch rapidly and efficiently due to their voltage-controlled operation, allowing for smoother and more precise modulation of output signals. This capability makes FETs well-suited for high-frequency switching applications where maintaining signal integrity and minimizing distortion are priorities.

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