What is the difference between a resistor and a conductor?

What is the difference between a resistor and a conductor?

a driver has negligible resistance and provides an easy path for current flow. resistance has a resistance greater than that of a conductor and prevents the passage of current.

no. There are many applications where the resistance of a driver is important for the application. each incandescent bulb contains a conductor that heats because of its resistance and thus emits light. an old-fashioned electric fire does the same.

Indeed, I used the heating wire of an old electric bust fire as a source of conductor for my crystal radio. better than nothing.

The difference is perceived by the current flowing there only in the form of more or less important friction. In the first case, it is often a deliberate addition of friction through the use of materials such as carbon. some resistors are simply formed by a type of “wrapped film”, metal film or carbon on a base material. it takes a lot of work to form the resistors of the type mentioned only to form a conductor during their manufacture.

how easy it is for electrons to flow. it covers a very wide range, superconductors, which have exactly zero resistance, to say glass, which has 10 ^ 13 ohms per square. it’s a wide and powerful range! you see in a superconductor that electrons can couple in one way or another on a quantum plane and spin without a hitch, and in the glass, the electrons have a lot of difficulty to progress. both are very good things, otherwise the electronics would be much less efficient and things like compact ics might not be possible at all.

wow – a lot of confusion.

there is no difference between a resistor and a conductor – it’s just a matter of degree, and the meaning of the degree is determined by the application.

all the conductors have a resistance, all the resistances have a conductance – the conductance of the electrical quantity is simply the reciprocal of the value of the resistance. they are the same thing, but different applications put each other more forward.

a ten ohm resistor (that is, a 1/10 mho or seimans conductor) can be used to limit the current. a 1/10 mho conductor – a wire, for example, having a 10 ohm resistor, can be used as an electrical connection. these could be exactly the same part.

basically, they are the same. Conductors are generally used to describe wire paths or printed circuit tracks designed to conduct electricity with relatively low losses. Resistors are generally used to describe devices that transmit electricity but to a certain extent hinder the flow of current. The higher the resistance, the harder the current flows.

they both have finite resistance and become circuit elements to consider.

resistance and conductance are measures of impedance to flow. a resistance to a resistance property that is measured in ohms. a higher resistance gives a proportionally higher impedance to the flux. Conductance is simply the arithmetic inverse of resistance. (The units are siemens equal to 1 / ohms).

arndt aalgaard said that low resistance means high conductance, and vice versa. which is a very relevant statement.

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