What is active and passive components in circuit ?

Active and passive components are two broad categories of electronic elements used in circuits. Active components require a source of energy (typically from a power supply) to function and control the flow of electrical current. They can amplify signals, generate oscillations, or perform switching functions. Examples of active components include transistors, operational amplifiers (op-amps), and integrated circuits (ICs).

An active component in an electrical circuit is one that can control the flow of electrical current and typically requires an external power source to operate. These components can amplify signals, switch currents on and off, or perform other signal-processing functions. Active components are essential for tasks such as signal amplification, modulation, and generation of oscillations. They are distinguished from passive components by their ability to control the flow of electrons within a circuit actively.

A passive device in a circuit does not require an external power source to function and does not amplify or control the electrical signals passing through it. Instead, passive devices primarily store, filter, or dissipate energy. Examples of passive devices include resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Passive devices are fundamental components in electronics and are used for purposes such as voltage division, energy storage, and frequency filtering.

Active components in PCB (Printed Circuit Board) refer to electronic components that require a power source to operate and perform specific functions within the circuit. These components are typically integrated into the PCB design to perform tasks such as signal processing, amplification, or control. Examples of active components commonly used on PCBs include microcontrollers, transistors, and ICs that perform various functions depending on the circuit’s design and application requirements.

LED (Light Emitting Diode) is an active component because it emits light when current flows through it in a forward direction. LEDs require a voltage source to operate and are considered active components because they actively emit photons (light) when energized. LEDs are widely used in electronic displays, indicator lights, and illumination applications due to their efficiency and longevity compared to traditional light sources like incandescent bulbs or fluorescent lamps.

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