What is a Resistor in electronics?

Resistance exists, treating it sums up almost everything. it was not invented, it’s just a property of all the conductors. we could say that it was discovered.

Resistance makes perfect sense if you understand the ohms law. a resistor is usually used to control the current, since the current will be (voltage across the resistor) / (resistor resistance).

I = V/R

A resistance works like a waterfall in a river. when the electric current passes through a resistor, there is a voltage drop. when a stream of river passes over a waterfall, there is a fall of height. both represent a potential energy loss. in a waterfall, the loss causes noise and erodes the bed of the river. in a resistance, the lost energy is dissipated in the form of heat.

What is a resistor?

A Resistor is a small component designed to provide specific resistance in an electronic circuit. a resistor is a two-terminal passive electrical component that implements an electrical resistor as a circuit element. The resistors reduce the current and, at the same time, lower the voltage levels in the circuits. the main role of a resistor in an electrical or electronic circuit is to resist (hence the name of resistance), adjust or regulate the flow of electrons (current) through them using the type of conductive material that compose them.

What is the purpose of a resistor in an electronic circuit?

  • a resistance resists the flow of current. the quantity it resists can be quantified as resistance.
  • insulators, which absolutely prevent the flow of current.
  • drivers, which allow the flow of current without opposition.
  • resistors, which lie somewhere between these two, allowing the flow of current, while resisting to a measurable degree.
  • the property to oppose the movement of electrons is called resistance.

Fundamentally, the phenomenon resistance means resistance to currents. each substance already has an internal resistance. some have a lot and others have less. those who have a weak resistance are called good conductors and those who have many are called insulators.

A resistance is a standard element that provides a resistance of a fixed value. they are made of different materials. they are added to the circuits to control the current level at a safe level for current-sensitive elements such as LEDs or others that can not handle high currents.

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