How does a DC motor work?

A DC motor operates by converting electrical energy into mechanical energy through the interaction of magnetic fields. Inside the motor, a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field experiences a force that causes it to rotate. This rotation is used to drive machinery or other mechanical devices.

In brief, a DC motor functions by utilizing electrical current to create a magnetic field that interacts with conductors, generating rotational motion. This principle is fundamental to its operation in various applications requiring controlled mechanical power.

The operation of a DC motor involves the utilization of electrical current passing through coils within a magnetic field, resulting in rotational movement. This mechanism enables the motor to perform tasks ranging from small-scale applications to larger industrial uses.

A simple explanation of a DC motor involves the use of electrical current passing through a coil (or coils) within a magnetic field, producing rotational motion. This basic principle underlies the motor’s ability to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy efficiently.

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