Why does the overall resistance of a circuit decrease as the resistors are connected in parallel?

Why does the overall resistance of a circuit decrease as the resistors are connected in parallel?

in order for the voltage to be constant on all parallel paths, it is necessary to increase the current on the parallel paths, so the resistance must be reduced on the parallel paths. parallel paths means more resistance decreases

imagine the resistance being crowd and the wire being a corridor.

Now, if there are many paths in the hallway (which means parallel resistance), the crowd will obviously be able to move easily. it clearly means that the resistance has decreased.

resistance is a measure of opposition to the flow of charges between two nodes …

when several paths are added in parallel between these nodes, the level of opposition to the flow of charges between these two nodes decreases … in other words, the resistance decreases .

There is a simple concept that Current will choose all possible paths provided to it. Take an example: a road has 100 cars at all times and if you provide another parallel road of the same width, the traffic will obviously be divided into two roads, which will reduce the traffic, so that in case of electricity, the parallel resistance is provided. another path allowing the electrons to flow hence the total reduction of the opposition of the electrons

ive used the analogy of the flow of water in the pipes for other s and it will be useful again .

If water (current) flows in a pipe (circuit) and a smaller pipe (resistance) is installed for a foot or two, the flow (current) will be reduced.

If a second (resistance) hose of the same diameter (resistance) is installed next to the first and connected at both ends, the same amount of water (current) will flow through it. this will double the flow of a single pipe (resistance), thus halving resistance to flow.

disclaimer: Although the water comparison works well in this case, it and the electricity are not the same and do not react the same way in all cases. they must never be mixed. obviously.

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