

Resistance is defined as the opposition against current flow. Some materials offer more Resistance as others. An example for is rubber. Rubber has more resistance in Compared to copper because of Difference in their molecular construction. Low resistance materials are known as Ladder because electricity can flow through it easily.

Highly durable materials are considered Isolators because no current can flow through her so easily. Examples of low Resistor materials are copper and Aluminum. A few examples of high Resistance materials are rubber, porcelain, Fiberglass and dry wood.

The unit of measure for the resistance is the ohm and the symbol for resistance “Ω”. When used in formulas to calculate resistance, the symbol “R” is used Resistance. Ohm’s law is also used to calculate the resistance. Resistance calculates after Divide voltage by electricity. As an example, R = E ÷ I.

What is resistance and its formula?

Resistance is a measure of how much a material or device opposes the flow of electric current. It is denoted by the symbol “R” and is measured in ohms (Ω). The formula for resistance is:

R = V/I


R is the resistance in ohms,
V is the voltage across the component in volts, and
I is the current flowing through the component in amperes.

This formula, known as Ohm’s Law, states that the resistance of a material or device is equal to the voltage across it divided by the current flowing through it. In other words, resistance is the ratio of voltage to current. The higher the resistance value, the more difficult it is for current to flow through the material or device.

What is resistance and its unit?

Resistance is a property of a material or component that determines how much it impedes the flow of electric current. It is the measure of opposition to the flow of electrons through a conductor. The unit of resistance is the ohm (Ω), named after the German physicist Georg Simon Ohm, who formulated Ohm’s Law. One ohm is defined as the resistance when a potential difference of one volt (V) produces a current of one ampere (A) in a conductor.

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