To test a capacitor using an analog multimeter, follow these steps. Set the multimeter to the resistance (ohms) mode. Discharge the capacitor completely by shorting its terminals with a resistor or by safely discharging it with a resistor across the terminals. Connect the leads of the multimeter to the capacitor terminals. Initially, the resistance reading on the analog scale should be low and then increase as the capacitor charges up. If the reading doesn’t change and remains at zero ohms or infinite ohms, the capacitor may be faulty.
Testing a capacitor in an analog multimeter involves a similar process. Set the multimeter to the appropriate range for measuring resistance. Ensure the capacitor is discharged before testing to avoid damage or inaccurate readings. Connect the multimeter leads to the capacitor terminals and observe the resistance reading on the analog scale. A healthy capacitor will initially show a low resistance and then gradually increase as it charges. If the resistance remains constant at zero or infinity, it indicates a possible issue with the capacitor.
The symbol for a capacitor on a multimeter is usually denoted by the letters “CAP” or a symbol resembling two horizontal lines with a wavy line between them. This symbol signifies that the multimeter can measure capacitance. Depending on the model and brand of the multimeter, the exact symbol may vary slightly in appearance, but it generally represents the capacitance measurement function of the device. Selecting this function allows the multimeter to measure the capacitance of capacitors connected to its leads.