Why do inductors behave like resistors in alternating current?

Why do inductors behave like resistors in alternating current?

Inductors store energy in the magnetic field created by the passage of a current. if the direction of the current is reversed, the magnetic field opposes the change until the field collapses and is reconstructed in the opposite direction.

inductors withstand a current change. so if you try to change the current, they resist that by producing a voltage that neutralizes the current change. thus, if you have a voltage / an alternating current, the inductor resists this and the more the frequency is high, the more the current tries to change quickly, and thus more the inductor resists.

they do not behave like resistors. the resistors have the same value at all frequencies. Inductances and capacitors have a similar attribute called impedance and its value changes as a function of frequency.

In a capacitor, the impedance decreases with frequency and in an inductor, the opposite effect.

an inductor is reluctant to change its current and a capacitor is reluctant to change its voltage

they do not work exactly like the resistors, but if you ask why there is a voltage drop on them then there should be to have almost no continuous wire, you must refer to physics, and more particularly to electromagnetism.

The inductor tends to withstand the changes in current flowing through it. so. if you have a constant current, it does not matter – behaves like a wire. when you have alternating current, it resists the change of current flowing through it.

This has to do with the fact that each wire that induces currents creates a magnetic field around it. variable magnetic fields tend to induce currents in the wires. the magnetic field created by a current will be such that it will induce this current given a wire in this field. Thus, when you wind a wire, each winding of the wire induces a magnetic field that wants to force the same current through the other wires and even to itself … this induces that the inductors do not want to change current, of where does the resistance to which you are referring come? at.

I could make it more scientific, but I tried to keep it and ignore some details. to better understand, try to learn about the relationship between the currents and the magnetic fields they create and vice versa, and also to understand the ruler of the right hand and, possibly, what is inductance.

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