What is the difference among LDR photo resistor and photodiode

What is the difference among LDR photo resistor and photodiode?

ldr is a light-dependent resistance, the photoresistor is identical to ldr, but the photodiode is a diode connected in inverse polarization whose conduction varies according to the light. a photodiode can measure very small changes in light intensity. it can even be used to detect different light colous.

A ldr or photoresistor is a device made of a high-resistance semiconductor material. the light-dependent resistance is used to control the charges as a function of the intensity of the light.

ldr is a light-dependent resistance whose resistance decreases with increasing light intensity. The photo resistance is the same as ldr. The photodiode is a diode with two anode and cathode terminals. this diode is generally used in reverse bias and the current flowing through it depends on the intensity of the light that falls at its junction.

  • ldr refers to the light dependent resistance (ldr).
  • ldr varies the light according to certain factors
  • The photodiode is used in applications that can only work with two values: on or off. The photodiode has a faster response time than ldr which is analog.
  • ldr is a bidirectional resistor while the photodiode is a unidirectional resistor
  • ldr and the photo resistor have low costs.

examples of use of ldr are street lights, examples of use of photodiodes are precision equipment such as laboratory equipment, for example. spectrometer.

Let’s see the basics,

It is a sensitive component to light. when the light falls on it, the resistance changes. the resistance values of the ldr can change according to many orders of magnitude. The resistance value decreases as the light level increases.

designate a device consisting of two electrodes. A photodiode is a light-sensitive electronic device capable of converting light into a voltage or current signal. it works on the principle of photo generation. The difference between the photodiode ldr (photo resistance), ldr is the most used photo sensor. The photodiode is used in applications that can only work with two values: on or off. ldr varies the light according to certain factors.

The photodiode has a faster response time than ldr which is analog. ldr is a bidirectional resistor while a photodiode is a unidirectional resistor. Both ldr and photodiode have low costs.


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