What happens when current is passed through a resistor?

What happens when current is passed through a resistor?

when the current passes through a resistor, some electrons are blocked and can not move. The energy is released as heat and the current is reduced.

resistance resists current up to its manufacturing value. it might be useful to imagine a dam holding the water up to its manufacturing height. The

electrons in the resistive material are held more closely by the atomic nuclei than the electrons in the conductors. more energy is required to move these electrons (resistive material), and this extra energy is (usually) radiated as heat in the form of infrared photons as the electrons return to their idle state.

current is the amount of charge that flows from one point in a period of time. when the current passes through a resistor, it resists the flow of charge, which reduces the amount of charge that passes, which reduces the current compared to the lack of resistance. the current also contains energy, and the resistance can let this energy out in the form of heat.

current good question! The electric current is carried by charge carriers, which in solids are usually electrons. if there is no resistance to flow and an electric field is stable, the electrons accelerate (as any moving thing does when subjected to a constant force). That’s why, in some thermionic tubes (vacuum valves), such as old-fashioned TVs, electrons accelerate enough to emit X-rays when they eventually collide with a target – the anode or the screen. a resistor serves as a target for the electrons after a very short drift in the field direction. this interaction releases heat and restarts the electron at low speed.

According to the law of ohms, a voltage equal to the product of current and resistance is developed through resistance.

the resistance will dissipate a power equal to the product of v times i.

The resistance will heat up as the energy dissipates in the surroundings according to various thermodynamic equations.

finally, the resistance will change a little because the value of the resistance is sensitive to the temperature and the tension as well as the power will change a little, but it will stabilize until a certain equilibrium.

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