Do resistors cause phase shift

Do resistors cause phase shift?

Yes. Due to the physical factors of construction, a resistance is represented by its nominal resistance, an inductor and a parallel capacitor. even by causing a very small phase change, it exists.

No, not considered in itself and neglecting the non-ideal features. If the resistor provides a reactive load, then it can be thought that it contributes to a phase shift . the phase at charge will be different from that if it were powered by an ideal conductor.

for a circuit to cause a phase shift, it must have a reactance in its impedance. but for ideal resistance, it is purely linear with current and voltage. it does not store any energy in it. on the other hand, an inductor or a capacitor stores energy that causes a phase shift.

Generally, the current will decrease as the capacitor charges and the voltage increases. when the voltage reaches its maximum, the current goes to a minimum. but in the case of resistance, it goes into phase. there is no place for a resistor to cause a phase shift.

in theory, ideal resistance can not cause phase shift because it has no energy storage capacity. for this reason, the most convenient phase shift circuits use at least one reactive component (capacitor or inductor) in addition to the resistor.

Concretely, a resistor has a certain capacitance and some inductance due to its physical construction, but this parasitic capacitance and inductance are generally too small to have a noticeable effect on circuit performance.

however, these effects become more pronounced and can be significant at high frequencies (for example, a simple coil-wound resistor may have a significant inductance at rf frequencies, so that special winding techniques are frequently used to minimize this inductance as well as the capacity between turns).

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