Full form of LDR and what is LDR and its use ?

Full Form of LDR: LDR stands for “Light Dependent Resistor.” What is LDR (Light Dependent Resistor): An LDR, or Light Dependent Resistor, is a type of resistor whose electrical resistance…

What is a master trip relay ?

A master trip relay is a critical component in the protection scheme of electrical systems, particularly in the context of power distribution and high-voltage systems. Its primary function is to…

What is the purpose of tank circuit ?

A tank circuit, also known as a resonant circuit or LC circuit, is a combination of inductance (L) and capacitance (C) connected in parallel or in series. The primary purpose…

What is meant by biasing a diode ?

Biasing a diode refers to the process of applying a DC voltage across a diode in an electronic circuit to establish the operating point or the desired working conditions for…

What is a lightning arrester ?

A lightning arrester, also known as a surge arrester or lightning rod, is a crucial component in electrical systems designed to protect equipment and structures from the damaging effects of…

What is the biggest loss in transformer ?

The biggest losses in a transformer are the copper losses and the iron losses. These losses contribute to the overall energy dissipation in the transformer and impact its efficiency. Let’s…

What are the uses of encoders and decoders ?

Encoders and decoders are essential components in digital communication systems, control systems, and various electronic applications. They play complementary roles in encoding and decoding information, facilitating the transfer of data,…

What is fixed bias circuit ?

A fixed bias circuit is a type of electronic circuit configuration commonly used in amplifier circuits, particularly in the biasing of transistors or vacuum tubes. The main purpose of a…